fire_dawg and Wartdawg spot on.
Question is, why is our leader allowing football to be played in this manner on the offensive side.
fire_dawg, coming from an ex-firefighter in the Navy, I know that you and your crew know who does what best. Mistakes have to be eliminated, and finally not tolerated. In the air Navy we saw enough of what can happen in real time. Not fun. That is why our training was never eliminated, never knew when the leaders were going to set a fire in a special location on base at midnight or whenever. Practice may not make perfect, but it will get you close.
Wartdawg more and more you remind me of things that sadlerdawg and kentdaddy have said about our offensive coordinator. Not to leave wlayton out on that particular coach, he is the originator of Bobo Gotta Go Go. kent is after the real problem more than anyone and he is also spot on . . . for many years. Richtless leadership.
Also want to commend you for your last post on the "hot thread". Excellent thought and writing skills.