How often do we blow out SEC teams? I'm not checking my stat sheets, but it seems that a great many wins are ugly. I wouldn't even call this ugly because the game's vibe was "let em hang around, but we're going to beat them". I'll take 11 wins by one point each ANY year and EVERY year. This isn't the Big 12, ahh 14...or the PAC (insert number here), where you have one or two elite teams matched against patsies. With the exception of Vandy and teams from Mississippi, the SEC is stacked, so a win is quality no matter what the margin of victory.
I thought tonight saw an improving (emphasis on the continued aspect there) team that will be hell on wheels towards the end of the season if this track continues. D was nasty. Offense got it done. Yeah, we can talk about penalties and this or that missed pass, but that happens in every game. I'll take the Win any time. My beer tastes better, my pounding heart feels better, and the rest of the week goes better.
I guess a better question for this thread is "If we won the rest of our games like this, would you be upset at the end of the season." If your answer is no, rock on Dawggie. If it's yes, I know a Prozac salesman.
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