Wartdawg wrote:
Buc wrote:
Wartdawg, you have it in my opinion. It really is called leadership. Some don't like to hear me post the name Saban, however, Saban and Leadership are spelled the same way, WINNER.
Saban would throw his own mother under the bus if she wasn't producing.
DEMAND EXCELLENCE is a motto that holds little water unless it starts at the top.
That is the reason they are paid the big bucks.
Richt needs to walk out to the center of Sanford Stadium, alone. Do a 360 degree turn, taking in everything he sees, and remembering some of the better days. Think about programs across this great land and how so many coaches would love to be standing in the exact spot he occupies. He owes it to those that came before him to let it all sink in. The fans have been very good to Richt for a long time. Now mister, I want a return on my investment or for you to make other plans. Quickly. No foot dragging as in the case of WM.