kentdaddy, I hope you are right on the NCAA not liking fibbers.
When the NFL had its recent display of one upmanship, made me sick to my stomach. The "press" was all over the Arkansas quarterback, not just during the interview, practically the whole session. I did not hear a peep about Ohio State and the mess they have caused "college football". Which is the bigger deal, a kid smoking a joint or the total corruption that exists and has existed in the last two college football teams that Tressel has coached? Both smell.
I notice that money is always at the root of the Tressel problems. He however does not seem to have a problem "scratching" up a quarter of a million bucks for a fine. Show me the withdrawal slip where he actually withdraws that money and pays it directly to the NCAA. Holding my breath on that one, not . . . .
Since when is a coach allowed to set his own suspension. Tressel is making Lane Kiffin look like an amateur at the cheating game. Who would have thought. Bruce Pearl was fired for much less than Tressel has done, and in my opinion will continue to do. Makes for a better win/loss record. Tressel starts with a two game suspension, suggested by him, that tells me all I need to know about his damn character. Later really steps up to the plate with a five game suspension. Will it get worse?
In case some have forgotten some of the details, the site below goes a bit deeper.
I am glad that Richt has not been caught up in this kind of controversy. Yes he is a character coach. Now I want to see the "football coach" side of him again. I witnessed it when he was at FSU, he now has the perfect chance to return to what he does best. Coach Bowden did well when Richt took care of the offensive side of the ball. Richt has said that McGarity put him back on the football path . . . . I say great, Richt continue, don't let the incoming jewels keep you from using your "God Given Abilities". We are what we are, no more, no less.
Go Dawgs! coach'em up!