I am one of those Richt supporters who is now waiting for the coach to show me something. Losing to SC 17-6 was as bad as a loss to them always is, but I wasn't overly concerned. I've only seen one undefeated season in my 48 year lifetime, so 1-1 wasn't killing me.
Losing to Arkansas the way we did also didn't really phase me too much, considering that we weren't supposed to really even be in that game to begin with. The fact that a blown coverage was the cause of the loss hurt, but I was actually somewhat encouraged that we at least had a chance to win that one.
However - the loss to Mississippi State hurt. That had my confidence waning.
But even THAT loss was NOTHING compared to what followed in Colorado. I would go so far as to say that the Colorado game was (and still is) the most discouraging game of the year for me. That game shook my confidence in the leadership more than anything else.
kentdaddy is (seemingly) proud that he was unhappy with Richt in 2006. I guess anything less than 14-0 and undisputed national champions will always leave SOME people wanting more, but I think for the rest of us, truthfully, we were pretty impressed with our team (and even our DC, Martinez) after that Sugar bowl in 1/01/08. But the Colorado game HAD to change some minds. You do NOT play a team THAT BAD, lose, and come away thinking it was just a fluke.
Then when we beat a few teams who just happen to be more horrible than us, some of us (not me) may have started feeling a little better. Playing Florida close, especially this year (as bad as Florida was) did not make me feel better about the way things are going. Being up 21-7 in Auburn did not make me feel better. Beating the hapless Jackets did not and will not make me feel better. And now this. UCF. You have to be joking. Sorry, fellow CMR supporters, but there is no silver lining to this one. You can't say "I see some good on the horizon for this team", no matter how big of a CMR supporter you are.
I have always been a Richt supporter, because I am conservative. I am not one of those people who "sees it coming" in 2006, and feels impending doom after a 12-1 season and a BCS bowl win (slaughter) over Hawaii . . . I'm just not the soothsayer that kentdaddy is. kentdaddy, you impress me a lot - seriously - UGA should probably have you in charge over there - you were probably the only person on planet earth who saw this coming way back then. I'm not one of those people who enjoys the coaching carousel. The thought of going through what 'Bama went through for several years turns my stomach. (BTW - is 'Bama about to put Saban on the hotseat after the disappointing season they had to endure this year? They are UNDENIABLY going backwards from last year. Does anyone "see it coming" for them?

Anyway, my point is that even the biggest of CMRs defenders has to be feeling like Linus in the pumpkin patch now. "Just wait until next year" sounds pretty stupid. We are losing the best receiver we have, and our recruiting has TANKED. We seem unable to sign talent that sits anywhere in our state. In just the past few months I've watched our recruiting ratings go from top ten to 18th. After that UCF mockery, I wonder if it's just going to get worse.
One of the guys I work with says us UGA fans are delusional. He says Georgia, like VT, has NEVER been a top shelf program, even when we won it all in '80. He says we expect WAY too much - that we will never compete with the likes of Ohio State, Florida, LSU, USC, Oklahoma and Texas. Richt appears to have proven him right this year.
Here is what will happen in 2011, I hate to say it. We will lose to Boise State in the opener - I can't believe I even typed that. Then we will lose to South Carolina. That will end the Mark Richt era. At this point, I'm afraid we may not even win the G-Day game.
I don't post here often, so most of you don't "know" me well at all, but I read the posts almost daily. I like all of you, especially Buc, kentdaddy (yes, I really mean that), and wlayton. I wish everyone the best - please keep up the great posting here on the best forum on the web. I'll be seeing you and hearing from you all on the impending coaching carousel as the year progresses. (Anyone want to go with an "over-under" on how many coaches we are goign to have to hire before we find a "Saban-esque" coach? I'll start with 3.)