Being retired, know that I can spend as much time blogging as I want. I spend probably way too much time everyday roaming the internet and trying to get a feel for UGA and where the fans are with the program.
One thing that I have noticed since the game (or lack of) in Memphis is the change of attitude by those that have been staunch supporters of Richt. After the GT game seemed that the "faithful" as they call themselves, were back on the wagon. Hope springs eternal.
Then comes Memphis, and we don't have to rehash the game, but the "faithful" became finger pointers, saying things that they had not said before. Folks wanted Richt's head.
Programs are not built on up and down opinions, they are built on solid work from solid coaches. Looking at UGA's football over the past five years we have not been close to solid.
Think about this for a few seconds . . . . you are making a lot of money (a lot) appears that you might lose that income . . . . what do you do . . . . same thing that Richt did today in his press conference . . . . get on your knees and kiss McGarity's butt. If you have not watched the press conference, my wish is that you will. You be the judge.
Go to this site if you aren't sure, if you are, you have probably watched this.
On this board there are several folks (many) that have been in Richt's corner from the get go. Me, Buc for one. What changed these folks from being supporters to saying that the best thing for UGA football was to change how things are done in the program, starting at the top.
Now we are going to change our Senior Plaques? Change the won/loss total from 7-6 to 6-7? That was explained as the way it has been done for years. OK, don't have a problem with that, do have a problem with losing to UCF and not scoring a touchdown. If AJ has two defenders on him, could be that someone is open. When you say as head coach that your offensive line cannot pick up a yard inside the five yard line and kick a field goal, yep, I want you as my head coach.
The powers that run the program in Athens are searching for a way to . . . are you ready for this . . . keep us in line, they know best. Sound a bit like Washington, D. C.? Does to me. We should never accept excuses from those that do not understand the game. Richt played the game, however he was always better at calling plays and holding the clip board than running them. Don't believe that, run Richt's career down on the internet.
He uses the same smile he used today in explaining why things at UGA are not good, but they will be wonderful in 2011. Said he did not want to talk about 2010 at all. If I were Richt, I would not want to talk about 6-7 either. Richt is a SALESMAN. Won't go into selling igloos to Eskimos, swamp land in Florida.
What I have said comes from my heart and the love for the University of Georgia. I see a lot of the same names on this board everyday, quite frankly, would like for many of you that don't post a lot, and those that do, say something, would love to know how you feel. Does not have to be on this thread, clicks don't mean a damn thing to me.
Thanks for you putting up with an old fart that cares, and is too damn old to be fooled by those that don't. Time for a change. Think I heard that last Presidential Election. Have to watch those salesmen.
Just saw Richt lose one to Bama, Dickson. Can't keep these guys in state. Best he leaves with the coin that he did not flip. Not good folks.