sadlerdawg wrote:
Just like everyone knows AJ isn't going to pass up on his millions, Richt isn't going to pass up on his 2.8 million. Great work if you can get it--$2.8 to do nothing other than make excuses 4 months out of the year.
Excellent points sadlerdawg.
Know that I scream often about the amount of money these athletes make. Time has come for these coaches to step up and earn their keep.
Richt came into a situation at UGA that Jon Gruden came into in Tampa. The bases were loaded just needed a change in offensive philosophy. Both were/are one time heroes. We fill their pockets and then bear the consequences. Jon Gruden has received 2 million from Tampa since he was booted, literally. Still has more coming. So what is the picture here? Morris is hired and the franchise is turned around quickly. Same can be said for UGA, need new life blood in our program. Richt is done, finished, kapoot. Those who say that it would cost us 2 to 5 years to get the program on course don't understand COACHING.
Richt reminds me of Haynesworth of the Redskins. Got those fat guaranteed paychecks and that is when the hammer drops. Everyone realizes that a huge mistake has been made and the people that make the program a success . . . fans . . . get dumped.
Richt is quick to say that he is trying to influence some of our players to stay, as if the money will be there forever. Richt does not have to worry about injury, players do. Richt has his 2.8 million plus, AJ only secured crumbs. Houston at this point is basically penniless and my question to Richt would be this . . . If the players that you want to stay get injured, can no longer compete on the football field . . . will you take care of them for the rest of their lives . . . .
Only person that Richt has to worry about at this point is AD McGarity, not sure if our AD has the same spirit that AD Foley has, we will see shortly. Have noticed that Richt has been sucking up to McGarity recently. Wonder what the buyout is on Richt's contract, damn sure not 2.8 million, much more than that.
Said it before, UGA is positioned well on the money front. Buy his damn contract. Don't do it, keep Richt and watch much more than his buyout dollar wise fall from the hands of those controlling the purse in Athens and other places. I won't be surprised to see empty seats in a once packed stadium. Then we will see what our AD thinks about contracts.