Go Dawgs....well, she did say so.
I think the thing about the discussion and discord is that there is likely no right answer. There is a risk/reward factor with every decision that happens going forward. Personally, I think we have to have accountability at the top. This game is a hard task master, and the downside is steep and fast. I think perhaps that our particular viewpoint is jaded because our expectations require immediate gratification (immediate being relative, but pretty damned soon is a good stand in), and we either start winning now, or heads roll now (or pretty damned soon.) That's the fans' perspective. The university, understandably, has a longer time frame for action, but god forbid that changes don't happen soon. I can't stand the idea that a "Goffization of Richt" period might be upon us. Bottom line for me: win or go.
"The freedom of individuals to verbally to oppose or to challenge police actions without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state."