Or the nay sayers taking a wait and see back seat? This team just beat 2 programs that are not very good right now. Agreed KY should be a good test, but this team is different from the start of the season and still finding itself. All positives now. The maturity and execution is improving and you are right all remaining games are winnable. The losses were painful but looking at them we were in there and take away a few mistakes and we would be at the top of the east. The observation I'm trying to make is that losses breed depression and searching for rationalization, CMR and staff become the target. So IF UGA wins out, will the same contempt for the staff still be there? My approach (just mine) is never give up, never loose support for your team, and recognize that reality is not what you want it to be sometimes. Win, lose, or draw a dawg till the last breath!
footnote: haveing to endure a SC fan this week, so my response have been, gotta let you win one every 9 years or so cause you won't play us anymore if we don't.