Athens PD deals with a lot of crap from the University crowd, which probably dictates their attitudes. I worked the door at Stonewall's in my days at UGA. Pretty much a nightly deal was to have to call APD to come break up a brawl on Wall St. by UGA students, or arrest some asshat frat boy who thought he was 10 feet tall because he'd borrowed his brother's ID and drank one too many beers.
Of course, it goes both ways. Without UGA, APD would need two cops with one gun and no bullets. Barney and Andy, anyone. And I wonder what it is we expect from our police? For sure, it sounds like they are just as anal about enforcing the law now as they were back in my day in Athens. Every one a detective, every one looking to get their name in the headlines of breaking a big case. Not sure busting some kid for a minor rule infraction is the way to go, but hey, every career ladder has it's own set of steps.
BTW, I have a special place in my heart for APD. Without them, I'd probably still be married to my first wife. God bless 'em, lol. Long story, but if I'm in Athens and see blue lights in the rear view, I'll worry that a certain officer is bringing her back. Trust me, he'd want to give her back.
"The freedom of individuals to verbally to oppose or to challenge police actions without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state."