Buc wrote:
Think maybe UM and Florida are beginning to lose a bit of their luster.
Buc, one of UGA’s largest obstacles to success is the Athens PD. You can’t tell me that alcohol-related infractions are not occurring at these other schools. The difference is that most of the other police departments call the coach and say that they need to come get so and so because he’s had too much or something like that. In Athens, that boy goes to jail, and it’s front page news the next day.
There’s a guy from the Dawgvent that studied it. Last year, there were 1,500 alcohol-related arrests of UGA undergrads. At UF (which is 1/3 larger than UGA), there were 750. At Alabama (similar size to UGA), there were 500. The Athens PD is on a mission, especially regarding alcohol.
These are college kids. They are GOING to drink beer… not only at UGA, but everywhere… save maybe BYU.