I would contribute to a fund like you suggest yankeedawg1. If a fund like that was set up, then the young folks that play all sports and did not have "extra" coin could receive a boost from folks that are not "agents or illegal boosters" . . . know what I mean.
They mess up after receiving "extra coin", it would be clear then that there is no escape from serious penalties. Keep the damn NCAA out of this. They are ruining college football.
Much like the Feds are trying to do now. Leave small business alone, makes our country go round and round.
Next five years we will see changes that none of us thought possible at this point. As far as the Feds, that ship sunk a long time ago.
Would it not be a "hoot" to watch the Feds/Congress run a football team? One season at the helm and college football would be flatter than a pancake. Same can be said for the NCAA, their time is shorter than they think.
Oh well . . . .