savannahdawg wrote:
If you look around teams normally take on the personality and demeanor of its coach. That is not a good thing for us. They walked around tonight as if we were losing by 50. And that was in the first quarter. I have searched for words to help describe this feeling and help explain this game but I have come to the conclusion they do not exist.
savannahdawg, I agree. Is that what I said. I AGREE. This team is wearing the same expressions and demeanor that Coach Richt has laid out for them. I have become disenchanted with CMR's choices for ANYTHING.
Took a while for CMR to ADMIT (did I say that) for him to face up to the fact that he had made a huge (HUGE) mistake with HIS CHOICE FOR DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR. Now he has another (mistake) and he refuses to own up to the fact that he really does not know what to do. UGA football is going to suffer because CMR cannot face up to reality that he is lost. Sorry, this is the SECOND COMING OF COACH BOBBY BOWDEN. Also, tired of saying that I really like someone. THIS IS FOOTBALL, AND I DON'T LIKE WHAT I SAW TONIGHT, NOR LAST WEEK OR THE WEEK BEFORE.
savannahdawg, you could not be closer to the truth. This team, last years team, and so on is and have been SOFT, and I personally do not see this team improving. Some will say give it time, piss on time, this team and the past four of five teams as you say, have taken on the personality of Coach Mark Richt/Coach Bobby Bowden. The beginning of the end.