Excellent post, nostalic and absolutely spot-on. There was a time when you not only feared parental retrabution, you feared it from any adult. You respected your elders cuz they could kick your butt and when your parents discovered this, you got it kicked again!...Now, we have a generation of PC, tree-huggin', time-out requiring, fragile mental image youth, with expectations and a sense of entitlement that makes me laugh...
There is something to be said about a symptom that repeats with distinct regularity...A symptom that is perhaps a sign of issues far greater than the driving and a suspended/revoked license, or coppin' a feel cuz you tossed back wayyyyyy to many. I am afraid that if we don't begin to collectively speak that which we all realize, we may never find the proper treatment for our lack of discipline....
GO DAWGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto