GATORstrong wrote:
Flyin Dawg, second place is the first loser doesnt really applly here. The goal for every SEC team is to get to Atl, to say that UF and UGA were in the same boat at the end of the year is laughable.
I can see your point of view on it not applying. I think it does though, in the sense of your statement of getting to ATL and not taking the title. Put that in to context the entire blog. I would hope you get what I'm trying to say there. If not, not big deal.
I would disagree with you. The goal might be to get to ATL for UF, but for UGA. The goal is to win the SEC game in ATL. Anything else is a failure. In that sense, we are both in the exact same boat. Records, coaches, and players. You can have the best in every aspect. If you don't win, it's for nought. Or you claim to have health issues.
Sorry, had to do it. I do wish him well.