duck wrote: DWS, I really don't have to wait until this year is done. I can almost promise you that we will be very lucky to win the SEC east. There is no way in H that we will a NC, and if I were a betting man I'd bet everything I own. I truely hope I am wrong and things go like everyone wants them to go. We have talent and lot of it. Can this talent win games with out an offensive cord, I don't know, I do believe CTG will have one heck of a D. I stand by my statement, that CMR is a good man and recruiter, but is he a good head coach, NO. CMR has proven nothing to me!!
Duck you make a good point but we are stuck with Richt until he craps the bed again then all hell will break loose some of the money people did not want an extension. Because CTG contract should have been extened as long as Richt's because if he leaves we are done.