I just started to notice toward the end of last year that there were more than the usual APD, UGA, or CCSD officers around our tailgating area. We park by the East Campus Commons. There were unmarked cars, bicycles, ATVs as well as marked vehicles everywhere.
When we lived in Columbia, SC; Gamecock fans always claimed that local police had it out for their football players. Can't say that I agree with that concept, but I do know that if an athlete gets arrested it gets more attention in news outlets more often than if it were a regular student. Athletes are judged differently.
I worked at a bar while in school at UGA. We had our share of incidents. Whenever you mix male hormones, alcohol, and girls you are asking for trouble.
I got off the subject a little. OC made a bad choice. We all have. Let he who has not cast the first stone! Hopefully this will not harm his draft status and he will learn a valuable lesson. I bet OC takes responsibility for his actions, accepts his punishment and moves on. Good luck young man.