Guesssing at this point all of us know where we stand on a very touchy issue, UGA Football.
Don't think that we will see many change their stance in the near future, such is human nature. I can't name a person that regularly posts on this board that doesn't have the same wish for our school and football that points to the negative.
However, when I was serving in the U. S. Navy, and somewhere along the line it was said to us that a sailor that is not bitching is not worth his salt. Took me a while to get a grip on that, but the light finally came on. It was proven in this thread. Folks had things to say and they were not always in agreement, but it was put out in the open. Debate is good if it does not get too personal.
Some times folks get their feelings hurt, I have on occasion, but that has happened to me in other walks of life, not just this board. Personally would rather have a good 10 rounder than a first round knockout, otherwise none of us would ever get everything said that we felt was important on the subject being discussed.
Mark Richt is going to be the head coach at Georgia. McGarity has told us that Grantham will remain as our defensive coordinator. McGarity did not mention others getting a boost. That will be up to the coaches and how they perform.
If I have said one thing in this lengthy thread that matters to me it really comes down to this. I envy the depth that I see at other schools. I hope that we can correct that problem, because if we (UGA) does not, there will be threads that will make this one seem like child's play.
I am older, hope against hope that I will see the Red and Black being "all that" again. Takes everyone pulling together, and forgive me but I must use this word again. Leadership. Don't care if we are talking about ship movements, air tactical teams, ground forces, leadership is required. Football is no different, and this also must be said. . . .
Coaches have different ways of getting there, but as long as rules are not broken, young men in this day and time need to do this . . . . Stop, Look and Listen. Good, Better, Best, never let it rest until the Good is Better and the Better is Best.
Go Dawgs! Coach'em up!!
Wishing a great weekend for all on this board. Buc