averagedawg, I might be guessing, which of course I am.
When Coach Grantham cast his lot with UGA, don't believe it was because he wanted to return to college football just to coach college football.
This is where I become a bit prejudice. He not only came, but came for a reason. Words out of his mouth were CHAMPIONSHIPS just prior to a 6-7 season. Coach Grantham having trained under one of the best, no doubt looked everything over . . . players available to recruit, school, fans, alumni and one of the most beautiful campus sites, anywhere.
My single biggest worry has been a problem of mine for a long time. President Adams. Sorry folks, that is how I feel. Reminds me of Newt, say one thing and do another. Had to say that because truth speaks for itself. Some never learn that simple fact in life. Apologize, mind wanders somethimes. . . .
thriller, you are as usual on the mark. Coach Grantham brings the passion, and the thing about it is . . . . nothing fake at all, that is Coach Grantham, wears it on his sleeve. Franklin at Vandy, trying his best to be all that. Say it again, be glad to see that POS in Athens, between the Hedges next season. Coach Grantham is real . . . describing Franklin, leave that up to the experts.
VG left because he saw the handwriting on the wall. Proved to be true, we got WM. Where is VG now . . . nuff said.
nuff said, except this. Have to slip this in. I was a huge supporter of Coach Grantham when he signed on, I am of the opinion that we have one very similar on the other side of the ball . . . Friend. Whoa Nelly, this might get exciting, suits this old fart.