thriller wrote: You got that right, Buc. Make the job easy on the next guy, and CTG is doing just that.
BTW, I have a new found admiration for Richt. Those secondary violations of giving his staff money out of his own pocket when the administration refused - even gets ME motivated to try harder. I wonder if perhaps that has helped turn a few things around in addition to the coaching changes. I really admire a man who says, "My staff worked hard enough to warrant the pay, and if the big wigs won't do it, I will." Okay, so he's a multi-millionaire and can afford it - bottom line is, he did it. Good for him. Secondary violations or not.
Imo, this shouldn't be a violation, The Annual Gift Tax Exclusion is $13,000 per year. He (or you and I) can give anybody $13,000 per year. CMR can legally gift $13,000 to Bobo, his wife and 5 children etc.......I know, that doesn't matter to the NCAA but if it's legal with the IRS.......just sayin.