OoltewahDawg, everytime I think about ESPN (Disney owned)I shudder. I know that a lot of folks come down this way and really enjoy the Disney experience. That is a good thing.
Disney is ruthless when it comes to TV sports control. Disney also is all about power, and that have a lot of that. Folks working there will on some occasions let folks in on just how ruthless they can be.
I am afraid there will come a point, and that might not be too far off when Disney will decide who plays in the MNC game. NCAA does not seem to have a lot of control any more, or should I say, their power is slipping. Nike and others have tested the waters, laying the groundwork for Mickey and Minnie to take control. Know that it sounds foolish, but look at the partnership that has happened in pro football. NFL and Disney, great buddies.
Here is a sampling taken from 2009.
2009 revenues: $36.1 billion
The Walt Disney Company owns the ABC Television Network, cable networks including ESPN, the Disney Channel, SOAPnet, A&E and Lifetime, 277 radio stations, music and book publishing companies, production companies Touchstone, Miramax and Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, the cellular service Disney Mobile, and theme parks around the world.
Bothers me that the American Football Game is in the hands of those, that only see the revenue, and a lot is never enough to some.
Edit: Good post OoltewahDawg.