stanger wrote: I havent heard anything else about it. Proably to early to tell. Guess we'll see how Saturday goes for him.
Hope those results aren't evidenced by IC having to buy a ticket to see the game.
Well, the good news for IC if he does is that ESPN has basically advertised this as a scrimmage for LSU to get ready for the NC are going for about $80 to $100 right now.
Thought that IC might get all this prima donna shiz outta the way early in the season. Guess not. Someone needs to take his ass out back and put a good ol country whoopin on him. Maybe then he will realize these hits on the field dont hurt so much. Come on down Keith Marshall. You can start the first game next season!
For some reason Im having a hard time getting pumped up for this game. Maybe Ive been watching too much ESPN. Ask them, we already lost....
If Crowell even plays Saturday, I'll be amazed if he survives a quarter. This league separates the men from the boys--which side would you like to land on, Isaiah?????