Looking back over some posts and this one caught my eye for a specific reason. While we talk a lot about getting this or that player, means a lot "sometimes". When we look at the true picture, these days a gifted college athlete is what we used to call a "short timer" in the military service. Not going to be around for four years. Nothing wrong with that, especially when you have the talent to move up.
So, UGA did something this season that really has me pumped up. Not all of the hoopla that comes with signing a big name "proven" coach as some like to label them always has the upside that one looks for.
Tony Gilbert returned "home" after several years at the next level. Macon, Georgia man. From that area come many outstanding football players year after year. Gilbert being a community man and a UGA athlete can certainly have positive effects for us now and down the road. My reasoning, Tony Gilbert is not looking for a way to make it to the "bigs", has been there and done that. What a wonderful recruiting tool TG can and will be for the Georgia Bulldogs.
Working alongside Coach JTII, Gilbert is going to have a huge effect on our football team. For Gilbert to sign on and enter that dungeon where only the brave dare tread, speaks to his makeup. Caoch JTII had to approve that assignment, no doubt in my mind.
Heads up call on whomever the person or persons were that made that decision. I am as excited about Gilbert as I am about signing 5 star athletes, actually, more. Tony Gilbert can as averagdawg said in another thread, winnow the wheat. Maybe one more addition to the UGA coaching staff and we might have something to hang our hat on. Great hire, somebody is thinking outside the loop.