Anybody remember Demetre Baker last year? DUI, kicked off the team. He was the 10th arrest of the year, I believe, and Richt had made it clear that any more transgressions would be severly dealt with. Sooooooo, different set of rules I guess if there are more arrests for the year. Maybe if players believed those same rules were in effect, CW wouldn't have been drinking and driving and driving 92 mph and blowing a .12. Richt's reactionary policies instead of preventive policies do not work. Or is it just because CW is better than Baker was that he's not kicked off the team? I'm just not understanding what message Richt is trying to send.
BTW, I don't think CW should be crucified for a DUI, but it shouldn't just be written off as a "kid's mistake" either. It is serious. Would people be so forgiving had he been in an accident and killed the other people in his car, or an innocent group in another car? Just wonderin'.