
Gonna Love It!!!

13 years 7 months ago #36815 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
sadlerdawg wrote:

You definitely don't have to sway me on getting rid of Bozo, wlayton--I've been saying that for years. Richt's reluctance to accept the fact that Bozo is an inept moron is one of my main knocks against him. The fact that he has allowed Bozo, along with his other buddies Martinez and Van Halanger, to run the program into the ground is why I have little faith in Richt's abilities to lead.

sadlerdawg......can't agree with you more. We definitely are on the same page 90% of the time. I'm with you, Buc and others on CMR's failures in selecting coaches.

There's not any coach that is proficient in every facit of the game. I just feel McGarity will incorporate everybody's strengths and add one more to complete the puzzle. If CMR was an average recruiter, then I wouldn't feel this way. He is an EXCEPTIONAL recruiter, one of the best in the country, so use that gift for the program and fill that OC hole FOR CMR. Don't think McGarity can't "nudge" CMR to get rid of Bobo and find the missing piece. Yep, believe McGarity wants to win and will make all necessary changes to do so but also think he feels not only is CMR a top 3 recruiter but also represents the school VERY well....with class and dignity (which I, for one, think IS important.....want to hire Donnan back?? lol)..I stick to my 2-3 year prediction unless things just spiral down into turmoil.


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13 years 7 months ago #36816 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
OldSouthDawg wrote:

Hey Yall, Ive been thinking bout this whole situation again. And Im thinking yall are right bout a new OC coming in next season. IMO I think CMR will be here until he he resigns. also thinking that I bet CMR will offer bobo the chance to stay on as QBs coach, not sure if bobo would take the step down but I also think as yall do that no other program will offer him an OC position. So I guess we will see what happens as the yr unfolds. Just cant wait for Kick off. GO DAWGS!!!

OldSouthDawg, I believe that what you propose is viable. All of the quarterbacks under Bobo's tutelage have said that he is a good coach. He played the position, no reason to believe that he does not know what it takes, talking about mechanics. Not going to kick him on that, just do not believe that he can run the full operation. That also is not a slant. He has had a chance, (extended chance much like WM) given to him by Richt to prove he can do more than coach quarterbacks. That should not be posted on the internet as a disgrace, just many of us feel that he stepped out of his "comfort zone". Hell, I along with a lot of folks have made a couple of moves that we should not have made and would love to take back. When it is done, it is done. All we are asking is pretty damn simple. First off, you have to be true to youself. We can put up a FRONT to others, but it is damn hard, no, it is impossible to fool ones self. I believe with all of my heart that Bobo thinks he is what UGA needs on that side of the ball, sorry, he is not.

I watched Dooley let Erk leave, darkest day in my life when it comes to UGA football. Look at the hires made by VD as athletic director. Remember VD hired these coaches, he had that much power. What the hell did we get from those decisions . . . . not much. A lot of folks on this board and others don't really know a lot of the things that happened under VD, I do.

The discussion going on between wlayton and sadlerdawg brings back many thoughts that I have of UGA football in past times.

Don't for a minute think that I don't appreciate all of the younger pups on this board that speak up and present their case. These young folks were not around "back then". They are as passionate about UGA football as this old timer, and their day will come when they speak to the younger pups about "back in the day". FACT. :)

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13 years 7 months ago #36817 by OldSouthDawg
Replied by OldSouthDawg on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
Hey Buc, Yes I remember when CVD left and they didnt hire Erk. That was one of the Worst mistakes in the schools Football history. Besides IMO when they didnt find away to keep BVG here until we got a NC. But like you say bobo is in over his head I think also, same when willie was here. I think bobo is a Good Dawg Bleeds Red N Black, jus wished he would see the light and do whats best for us all. Getn back to CMR as I said before think Mac lets CMR decide when he is ready to go own his own as long as he brings in a new OC for next season ,then also bet that if that person does the job, will probably take over when CMR is ready to go do the lords work. And like I said couple weeks ago, the coach I see we could get that would make an immediate impact has SEC exp is Dan Mullen. I dont think Mullen we be at Miss st much longer, So with that said if Im wrong bout what Mac will do, He better get Mullen if he plans on letting CMR go.

Once A DAWG Always A DAWG

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13 years 7 months ago #36818 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
OSD, Richt could stay. Think that is what wlayton is saying. I don't disagree with the BMOC on this board. (That is said with the greatest respect for a wonderful person) I don't like things staying stationary when there is an option, especially when our program is in downfall. Create another position, or use the position that is already there for recruiting coordinator.

Who on this board believes that if we went into this season with WM as defensive coordinator we would have John Jenkins at the nose. No way, WM did not understand the 3/4 or he would have used it. He did not understand the Tampa Two, how the hell would he teach what is going on in Athens since his departure. That in itself rules out JJ, 6'4" 350. Kwame Geathers, who the heck knows where he might be. Offensive tackle or where . . .? Anyone that cannot look at the past three or four years and say . . . . we need to keep the same group of coaches together in my opinion is just talking or posting to look at the trash they are spewing. Trash like FIRST in the AJC for those folks to keep their jobs. Hits will kick their collective asses soon enough.

From me . . . Georgia has been stale for far too long. Put the blame anywhere you or I want to put it, it is the truth. Grantham/JTII are trying to put this program back on the tracks, many in the supposed circle don't have a clue. That shot was for the President of UGA.

Too many folks outside the loop (you and I) that really care have been ignored for far too long. When you start talking about salaries above 1 or 2 hundred thousand dollars a year, makes that family making less than anywhere close to that amount wonder why they should spend money in Athens. Folks, this quarter in our nation there were 14 million unemployed . . . and that number is probably 7 or 8 million short of the real number. wlayton can probably give us the scoop.

Disagree, post. Easy as that. Watch and read this board, stay silent, or step up and let us discuss your position.

Go Dawgs . . . Coach Them Up!!

The only thing that brings me to this site is . . . . knowledge and truth. Get on board, this comes from someone that does not get a damn dime, or would accept a nickel . . . maybe a penny. :)

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13 years 7 months ago #36819 by OldSouthDawg
Replied by OldSouthDawg on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
I agree with you on not keeping people around just for the sake of it. Just thinking CMR might offer it to bobo cause he dosent like to see his friends go. And yes I too think wlayton is right on by thinking Mac will give CMR another chance with new OC, then I started thinking well then he will probably jus let him stay long as he wants as long as the next OC gets us in the right direction. I just never want to see a situation here like the FSU one where you had CBB as HC then Jimbo fisher as OC an HC in waiting, I too just want one HC in charge of the whole program so there is no confusion. anyway Go Dawgs just want to get this thing fixed and back on track ASAP!!!

Once A DAWG Always A DAWG

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13 years 7 months ago #36820 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re: Gonna Love It!!!
OldSouthDawg wrote:

I agree with you on not keeping people around just for the sake of it. Just thinking CMR might offer it to bobo cause he dosent like to see his friends go. And yes I too think wlayton is right on by thinking Mac will give CMR another chance with new OC, then I started thinking well then he will probably jus let him stay long as he wants as long as the next OC gets us in the right direction. I just never want to see a situation here like the FSU one where you had CBB as HC then Jimbo fisher as OC an HC in waiting, I too just want one HC in charge of the whole program so there is no confusion. anyway Go Dawgs just want to get this thing fixed and back on track ASAP!!!

OSD, this is a damn good post. kentdaddy and others know what has gone on in Tallahassee.

I did not think that Jimbo Fisher was a good choice for head coach. Shows what I know or thought I knew. I was one of those that was locked into Bobby Bowden being a good man and he should be allowed to leave when he wanted to leave. I learned my lesson right then and there. Don't love BB any less, but it was time for him to step aside.

FSU is kicking butt in the recruiting of players that every school in the country wants. FSU wants to rule the I-10 flag waving cars between JAX and Tallahasse. They are truly a school that is ready to jump into the fray. If they only win one game each year, bet you can't figure out which win that would be that this old dawg wants . . . . . :)

For some reason down this way, when FSU and UF lock horns, FSU goes after them. Maybe we will see that in JAX this year when the Red and Black look across the line of scrimmage. Enough is enough.

If Bobo comes up short and we (the folks that Richt said don't have the warrior mentality) then that is when the rubber meets the road. We can beat Florida, and from all of the conversations that I have had with the folks down here, please believe this . . . . they are worried about this UGA DEFENSE. One thing that they are forgetting, AM is coming into JAX with RED EYES and wants to win like no other that I have seen in many years. Believe me when I say this, I am with a group that says this young man is obsessed. Never have seen a young man want to win a football game so bad.

I think first off, hold me to this . . . . he is going to play football in Atlanta like no one can imagine. If the rest of the players are ready, won't predict a score, just know that the quarterback from UGA WILL BE READY. Love it . . . . . :)

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