My two cents worth come to this. Stafford picked number one. AJ Green picked number four. Marino I think was picked ten. Lots of football talent has come and gone and we don't have a lot to show for it.
My thinking is that the operations manager somewhere along the line forgot how to run the operation, or had the football plate too full. We all make choices, and those choices affect a lot of folks. If you are the supposed head of a football factory, every Saturday you have close to 100,000 card holders looking at the product between the Hedges. That number does not come close to those that have been in the stadium many, many times, but now sit on the sidelines, better known as television.
Appears all that participate regularly on this board have set dates for improvement, more or less. Right, wrong or otherwise, there comes a time when you, the operations manager can't ask for another year.
There is a reason that Boise State is in the top ten football teams according to the ratings out so far. Coach Peterson. Coach Peterson is taking athletes without stars, or few stars and coaching them up.
There is a reason that Alabama is always in the top ten. Saban gets those four and five star athletes to play football, he coaches them up.
Just a couple of thoughts. Maybe all of us are in for a surprise with our football team this season. I like surprises, especially at my age. . . . .