Looking this edition of the Bulldogs over, appears to me that we have a pretty good, if not better than pretty good team. Don’t really see a lot of soft spots on both sides of the ball.
Have a feeling that Friend is going to get more out of this group and the incoming group than what we watched last season.
Grantham seems to have the necessary parts for the defense. Personally hoping that Mitchell plays almost all if not all of his time with Lakatos. If Bobo can’t put points on the board with the existing group that he coaches, not sure one extra body is going to make that much of a difference. Same could be said for using Mitchell on defense, can he improve that unit coming in as a first timer to SEC football. Soon we will know.
Here is a thought that I have been carrying around for a while. AM will be the leader of this team. The offense for sure. Will some of these young folks coming in be up to playing “follow the leader”? Last two or three years have heard the talk coming out of Athens from both coaches and players about “unity”. Can’t really say that I have seen that from either the coaches or the players. I do try and watch closely, don’t think these eyes are playing tricks on me.
I think that this is the year that I will watch our quarterback as close or closer than most of the other players that have and will get a lot of hype. Look around and see players leaving for one reason or another. I hope the reason for that is because there has been a change of attitude in Athens. Think most of us would agree that something sure as heck needs to change in Athens, and from what I have read, that includes both coaches as well as players. AM is a leader, hope that all on his side of the ball will accept that fact.
Herschel Walker came to town in my opinion to encourage these guys to play together. What better person to deliver the message than HW, not one that I am aware of. Also was glad to see Jake Scott come back and allow some fences to be mended. Said earlier in this thread, Tony Gilbert sitting with Richt and asking to come back and help remodel our existing model. Damn good choice here also, former All SEC Linebacker. Don’t know who to tell that I think there are some good choices being made in Athens, but I can say this. Florida has done this for many years, so maybe I have a good idea as to who is behind this direction change in Athens. Just saying . . .
Finish with this. AM as has been said many times has wheels, arm and above all smarts. He will give his body up for a win. Richt and Bobo need to stay off of AM’s case, let him play football. He is a better quarterback than either of them were, more talent, and apparently smarter. As I see it. This is AM’s third year realistically, should have both coaches thought patterns down pat. I think that this season rests more in AM’s lap than any other player or coach at this point. If everyone puts as much effort into the team as he does and will, this could be where UGA turns the page and gets back to GATA. Have noticed some folks use GATA when speaking about the defense, that is good, GATA also applies to the offense.
Hope all had a great 4th.