
From Athens-"Practice Weekend"

13 years 8 months ago #36494 by Buc
Replied by Buc on topic Re:From Athens-"Practice Weekend"
thriller, the closer I look, the more I am convinced that college football is close to turning upside down. In JJ's case, appears that "outside" interference again played a big role in aiding and abetting.

Give me eleven players on each side of the football and play the game.

One of, if not the main villan in the continuing corruption of college football is the media. They find out about a young man somewhere in the state (that is every state) and start the process of making them "can't miss" prospects. Creates a lot of interest in those that care zero about the game, do however find an avenue to corrupt and pad the pockets.

Maybe should not say this, of course I will. In the case of Cam Newton, a lot of buzz around the young man, and most of that was created by his father, the minister. Admitted he was selling his son to the highest bidder.

Here is the part that really gets next to me . . . . NFL comes along and who is their first choice in the draft. Yep, that young man that that had broken some rules in school, but knew nothing of what his father was doing behind the scenes. Not even going into the Reggie Bush crap.

These young talented high school and college football players see how all of this plays out. Trophies may be returned, or schools are put on probation, still the folks responsible take the money that is involved, sad part of this . . . . they move along to the next up and coming athlete. Story apparently has no end.

Scary thought, how do we keep corruption like betting and fixing out . . . . a fumble here or there, a dropped pass in the end zone. NCAA has had all of this under their "watchful eyes" and where are we now . . . . caught up in another huge scandal at OSU. A scandal that was participated in by the FATHERLY HEAD COACH.

Sorry folks, I have great concern with the sport that all of us have loved for most of our lives. Time for the JTII's and hardliners to take our game back to the football field, and away from the NCAA types that allow players to play in a major bowl, then start their probation period the following season. Funny thing happened on the way to the football field, all-star quarterback played the game then renigged on his vow to stay in school.

NCAA, minister, media and many others sources are aiding and abetting by their actions. Or so it appears to me.

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13 years 8 months ago #36495 by averagedawg
Replied by averagedawg on topic Re:From Athens-"Practice Weekend"
Buc. I miss the days of Bear Bryant.
Although I'm not a 'Bama fan, I was a Bryant admirer.
He had no qualms over benching anybody.

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13 years 8 months ago #36496 by wlayton
Replied by wlayton on topic Re:From Athens-
Buc wrote:

wlayton, having been around our football team for so many years, observing the different coaching methods and of course the results, guess I have finally had enough.

I started to say it distresses me, but in truth, makes me madder than hell. Quit coddling these young folks, that is what they know. That and two damn dollars will get more than a handful of these players a reserved spot on some street corner.

I know that when I played football it was a lot different than what these young men go through. However, this is what I also keep in mind . . . . the payoffs are huge if you put the required time in. That is all that JTII and some of the other coaches are trying to do. JTII would love to be their "friend" upon graduation, with a degree and making millions either at the next level of football or being successful in what I call the "civilian corps".

Some of us are not giving in this season, it appears that most of our coaches have the same attitude. If we lose Jones, too bad. Don't think he will be dismissed, if so, UGA just has to hunker down and reload.

Enjoyed the back and forth in another thread. You make very good points and it is taken well on this end. There will never be 100% agreement on anything . . . . . if the board is true to itself. :) :woohoo:

Nothing but respect my friend. ;) :woohoo:


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13 years 8 months ago #36497 by BulldogShannon
Replied by BulldogShannon on topic Re:From Athens-
Great video thriller.

As far as I'm concerned, the S & C coach is more important than one 5 star player. Period. IF it's true BB is a baby, he should have understood that JTII was NOT going to allow the kid to do anything his body couldn't handle.

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13 years 8 months ago #36499 by kentdaddy
Replied by kentdaddy on topic Re:From Athens-
I loved the video. It sounded a little like my highschool baseball coach.

I remember the first day he met the team he sat us all down on the bleachers at the football stadium for some ground rules. The most memorable was when he said he would be calling each and every one of us "boy". He may also be yelling it. He noted that some of the more pigmented players may take issue with that and if so the path the hell out was over there ---> because everyone is treated exactly the same.

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13 years 8 months ago #36502 by thriller
Replied by thriller on topic Re:From Athens-
That's funny, kd, because our drill instructor called us "girls" until the final week of commissioning school. He also made us pray at each meal. He said he didn't care WHO we prayed to - Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, or the Salt Shaker, but that we WOULD PRAY on command - because for the next 14 weeks - we belonged to HIM!

I hope CJTII GATA like that! Sounds like he is. We may still lose, but not because of lack of giving everything there is to give until the final second.

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