wlayton, having been around our football team for so many years, observing the different coaching methods and of course the results, guess I have finally had enough.
I started to say it distresses me, but in truth, makes me madder than hell. Quit coddling these young folks, that is what they know. That and two damn dollars will get more than a handful of these players a reserved spot on some street corner.
I know that when I played football it was a lot different than what these young men go through. However, this is what I also keep in mind . . . . the payoffs are huge if you put the required time in. That is all that JTII and some of the other coaches are trying to do. JTII would love to be their "friend" upon graduation, with a degree and making millions either at the next level of football or being successful in what I call the "civilian corps".
Some of us are not giving in this season, it appears that most of our coaches have the same attitude. If we lose Jones, too bad. Don't think he will be dismissed, if so, UGA just has to hunker down and reload.
Enjoyed the back and forth in another thread. You make very good points and it is taken well on this end. There will never be 100% agreement on anything . . . . . if the board is true to itself.