wlayton, you are on point with the staying at UF and losing games.
Bothers me a great deal that he is on the ESPN conglomerate praising UF. Every chance he has, which is a lot, he is promoting UF. Seems to me there should be a rule. Other coaches (active) have to watch what they say, especially around recruiting young folks to the various programs. So Meyer is on ESPN before millions of viewers telling one and all what a great place to play football. NCAA has a wide range of rules.
AllDawgs5 . . . Guess we need to work on Richt, polish his skills a bit. . . .
Another tidbit. Guess most of you have heard about Houston. Maybe that is what had him taking some plays off last season, as reported by the media. Herb tends to slow things down. Also does not say much for being the brightest bulb on the tree, or the sharpest knife in the drawer. Seems as if everything is out of kilter with the passing of time.
thriller, had completely forgotten about the lawsuit. Good get, goes to the heart of what this is going to be about . . . again . . . the NCAA.