DawgnLA, with you on the FSU team. They are loaded, have changed how things are done in the "Sunshine State" when it comes to football. Urban Meyer got his butt out of Dodge before the "big crash". Couple of years ago on this board put in my wish list for some players in this state. They went to FSU and now the results speak for themselves. Ask the Gators. Think the score was 31-7.

What happened to UGA? OT loss to UF.
Have said it here before, Urban Meyer came to town on his stallion, wowed a lot of folks. Reminds me a lot of someone in the nations capital . . . lots of talk, bottom line looks like heck. I try not to use strong language too often. Meyer uses the age old line of . . . . . "spending time with the family". If that is the case UM, I don't feel you have any monetary issues, get the hell off of ESPN. Spend time with the family. When that OSU job comes open, STAY WITH THE FAMILY. You are so full of it. What you know does not work anymore. SS handed it to you in the SWAMP. Bye bye . . . .
DM left UM and how did that work out? Mullen kicked Meyer's butt. Only 10-7, but that is the story . . . . Florida could not score. UM, with all of his (supposed wisdom) could not SCORE. Mullen is the man. If I was in the position to hire either one of them, hands down Mullen. Mullen or Peterson, your program only moves forward. FACT.
Then, then . . . . we go to JAX with players, not sure about some of the coaches, and lose in OT. AM let one sail, call it what we want . . . . Gators beat the Dawgs. No way that Florida bunch should have won . . . . but they did. Too many football players in the State of Georgia to have this same ending year after year. Maybe at some point we will either have the coaches or players that say enough is enough. Seems to me that both sides need to get together . . . coaches and players.
The State of Alabama does not lose many players to UGA, we do however lose players to Auburn and Alabama. Why? Coaching. Who on this board did not want a certain coach from Bama to take over our Defensive Coordinators job?
Our schedule this year gives us a week off before JAX. The rest of the schedule in my opinion comes down to COACHING. If anyone on this board can tell me that anyone on our schedule has more or better athletes . . . . . step up and name the team. If anyone on this board can tell me that we have the best coaches or we are down a step or two, give an opinion.
Just the thought of someone in the media saying that UT (Tennessee) will beat us this year with a second year coach, a team that has been under NCAA investigation for the sins of the single worst cheater, maybe in college football history, amazes me. Maybe second, theOSU has shot in their shorts, we will see, right Urban Meyer . . . what the heck has Tennessee done since last year in Athens to even come close to being projected as a winner over UGA. Comes back to what ogredawg said earlier, this is how they pick'um . . . . Will say this . . . if the Checker Board Squares in Orange beat us . . . . going to be a bad day in Athens.