Last couple of days having been reminded that it is time to move on, some agreeing and others not. Thought I would pull this thread up as a reminder that opinions change and for whatever reason, sometimes it brings a mixed message.
This is a thread that I read every post, again just trying to get a feel if maybe myself and some others here are possibly stepping out of bounds.
You be the judge on whether or not it is time to get off of the administrations butt and let them free wheel it. We patted them on the back when things were good, yes that is true. Does that not give us the right to also question, not once, but over and over again the same mistakes being made over and over again.
Yes I understand that these folks have been thrown out of the foxhole. Whose fault is that? Why were these changes made recently, and on a large scale? My opinion is that there are many of us out here that are tired of being led around like Sheeples and we stood up and said no more. Will continue to say no more until those in power get it right.
Read the entire thread, does not take that long and maybe we will see where a lot of folks stood a few weeks back.
sadlerdawg wrote:
AM looked like a HS QB today because if I knew every play we were going to call, I'm sure UCF did too, and it's easy to key in on the QB when you pass EVERY first down and do a shotgun draw play EVERY 3rd and long. And could somebody PLEASE explain to Bozo, or Richt, or whoever's calling our "plays" that if you are no threat to run, a play action is just wasting time and a receiver for the QB.
What sadlerdawg said has nothing to do with hiring a nutrition person at this point, it has to do with what is and has been happening in Athens for far too long.