"All this makes me realize how lucky I was when I was in college. " wlayton, you got that right.
I don't remember drinking so fast and hard. (There might be a reason for that).
PBR if I was broke, Schlitz if I have some extra money. Couldn't drink a whole six pack.
I don't remember driving so fast and hard except on a 1/4 mile back road for drag racing.
I don't remember any bar fights. First of all we did not drink in bars. There were only a couple for locals. No big party bars glorifying alcohol.It was not proper. You fight outside like a man not inside like your emotions are out of control. I remember arguments that were forgiven the next day. After all, we are all Dawgs.
I remember the police were there to help you home if all you were was drunk and had not done anything else wrong.
I don't remember much else. It was 1970.
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