Hey everyone. Im new to the boards, but i have been reading them for quite a while. I have been a UGA fan all my life and am currently a student at UGA as well.... ok now onto the bad news
Hey everyone. Im new to the boards, but i have been reading them for quite a while. I have been a UGA fan all my life and am currently a student at UGA as well.... ok now onto the bad news
I thought this may be appropriate under this thread, but again we find ourselves in the news for the wrong reasons.
Welcome Hedges
And yes we have our share of bad news also - saw where several schools have had incidents this week - it will be interesting to see how these are handled after the damon incident
Thank ya for the welcome Rabun. From what I can figure, I think King may be okay this time. Even with all that has happened recently, he wasnt the one that got behind the wheel and he hasnt had any other incidents like this in his time at UGA thus far. Jackson, on the other hand, may be in for a much harsher punishment but time will tell.
Possibly, OSD, but drinking, driving, hitting a car and leaving the scene is always going to garner you some unwanted (although necessary, probably) attention from the local Five-0.