kentdaddy, for the first time in my life, will be watching the Cowboys and pulling for the portion of the defense that Coach Grantham has a hand in.
Still hard for me to accept Jerry Jones and \"America's Team. Must say this though, looks like JJ put this bunch together, and I am sure that Coach Grantham had to face off with JJ before being hired. Definitely a \"hands on dude\".
Really like this portion of the article . . . As a Tampa fan now, know what Brad did for the Tampa team. Some of us discussed Brad Johnson earlier this year as a possible guy that could help UGA come out of this \"funk\". Seems as if that conversation came true.
Richt on how he knew of Grantham:
There were so many names that crossed my desk and people calling from all around recommending people. When Todd’s name came up, I was very interested in pursuing and learning more about him. The more I learned about him, the more excited I got about him. It just so happens that a lot of coaches that I know in the business, know Todd and know what he’s done in the past and know of his football knowledge. I think a lot of people in the college game spend time with Todd in the off season to continue to grow as coaches. Let’s face it, the NFL is really the cutting edge of football. Coach Grantham is one of the best minds out there. I knew that about him. It also turned out that my brother in law, Brad Johnson, who played quarterback for the Cowboys at the tail end of his career, was there last season and got to know Todd as a coach although he didn’t coach Brad, Brad was able to observe him as a coach and was highly impressed with him, his energy and how he would teach. The respect that players had for him. He also got to know him on a personal level.
kentdaddy, one of my biggest concerns is this . . . Length and substance of Coach Grantham's contract. I believe with the area we recruit, UGA will be a team that will consistently be mentioned and recognized as one of the schools that will aid a young hopeful in his efforts to make it to the League.
My gut feeling is this . . . we have the return of \"Erk\" . . . . just a different era. Old farts like me love to see the past come back, and I think in Coach Grantham, the past is back.
Looking at the photo that NC_Dawg posted of \"Erk\" brought back many memories of Athens and Georgia football.
Go You Silver Britches, GATA!!