Chaney is so freaking lost it's hideous! Worst play caller I've ever seen in the game! Yea our O line sucks but good God draw up some screens, quick passes and dumps to our TE's. It's not that damn hard!
Chaney runs the same play twice in row (wr around) out of the same block and Blazevich doesn't even attempt to make a block..allows the first guy to penetrate and then doesn't even do anything when he hit the second level.
You can't allow that first guy to slip past unless he's accounted for in the scheme by another blocker.
He wasn't.
God Bless and Go Dawgs
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sflanagan21 wrote: Chaney is so freaking lost it's hideous! Worst play caller I've ever seen in the game! Yea our O line sucks but good God draw up some screens, quick passes and dumps to our TE's. It's not that damn hard!
Apparently it is that hard.
God Bless and Go Dawgs
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