Slowly but surely we understand some of the moves that are going on.
Uriah LeMay will probably end up with his brother.
Easy enough to see why Brendan Langley is moving from defense to offense.
Still have some players that will "probably" leave UGA. Beginning to understand the "long silence" on the check cashing scheme.
Said not too long after this (check cashing) happened, best to release these young men. Meaning, these young men might get the message and move on, and improve who they are. Smart . . . . "they ain't". Maybe this will be the wakeup call.
If we (UGA) is going to hold young football players to a certain standard . . . . that needs to be "understood" in the living room.
Maybe this "stuff" is the beginning of UGA getting the program under control.
Too many of the blogs that I read complain about the tough policies that UGA has, compared to other SEC universities. Most of those complaining, in my opinion, have a brain about the size of a split pea.
Soon there are going to be some changes in players receiving some "spending money". Like it or not, it will happen, just as the "final four" football teams playing for the Crystal did. Final four will soon, maybe two or three years become final 6 or 8. Stipends are on the way, only way that Emmert can continue to make over one million dollars a year. I said that.
There is a lot going on in football, again it appears it takes the "real season" for anyone to chirp. Lots of things "outside" of the practice field and regular season that mean much to college football.
Like what I see going on. Scared? Nope. Said above in another post, it was time. UGA it appears figured out that change was needed. Might take a while, but any person looking for real change wants to see the "end result".
Players like Terry Godwin are heading our way. He can play either way, and frankly, as a high school receiver, better than some that are currently wearing the Red and Black.
Stay on course, truly believe the light has gone on.
This video shows why both "offensive and defensive" players choose to leave.