On this board it has been mentioned more than once that there are troubled waters ahead.
First time that I (personally) have witnessed AD's and former UGA football stars saying the things that some of us have been discussing for more than a year or two.
UGA took some steps to fill the empty seats that students were not occupying. Put a special deal out there for those that did want to occupy said seats.
Anyone that thinks that the short view of that "bandaid" will change what is on the horizon, think you need to take a second look.
Mickey and Minnie have now entered the picture, with the aid of Mike Slive and others. What that means down the road is pretty simple . . . . once ESPN has you, they do not turn loose. What is ESPN in the business for? Could it possibly be the dollars that will come rolling in, once they have established a foothold?
SEC teams, football mainly, will not fill those empty seats with ESPN in the picture. Will create more empty seats as David Pollard describes in the link below. Football has been taken over by the Mickey and Minnie's and there are many others out there that are not under the ESPN (Disney) umbrella that are looking to cash in on the SEC Gold Mine (CBS) for one.
Got the bucks, pay TV, sit on the sofa, don't worry about whether or not Sanford Stadium or any other stadium in the SEC is filled to capacity. Wave of the (near) future.
Folks, the "game" has changed and Mike Slive put the "finishing nail" on the way SEC football will be played for the viewing audience.
Days of stadiums that are much larger than the days of the Roman Empire are going to suffer at the prices being charged. We will see the price of admission to enter Sanford Stadium and other stadiums around the conference drop.
Hide in the bushes and watch. Anyone second guessing management at UGA saying we don't need an inside facility to practice. Just read between the lines and if you happen to know a few folks, explanation is simple.
Just a thought from a Veteran that is wrapped up in feelings of "pride" about those that served and those that also did their part when asked. Don't have a lot of feelings for Fonda and her ways when our young men and women served, served because they were called, had no choice. Most were good Americans that did not flee to Canada and other places. Memorial Day, they gave it up for all of us.