thriller a lot of real points in your post.
Think maybe Saban and others figured this out some time back.
I do and have always believed in a handshake. As you point out, that is not the way that too many of this generation think or participate in. Maybe should not say too many, but seems to me every year we see more and more of this type attitude(s) finding its way into college football. Let me back up, this also goes on in high school football and pee wee.
Noticed that Hugh Freeze, head coach at Ole Miss did not honor a scholarship offer to a Georgia high school student. Knee problem. Also understand that Mark Richt would not have done that.
Appears that winning National Championships comes down to hard, basic facts, win at all costs. Read on a lot of boards that many UGA supporters post on that they can't figure out why we can't win a National Championship. Much as I don't like saying it, seems it does come down to this . . . . do unto others before they do it to you. Don't believe any rule change will correct this situation.
Spurrier makes a statement for all to hear that he wants to pay these young players for their services. Can't stop there Steve Boy, even though football is the golden goose, there is a word used that puts a serious fly in the ointment with that thought . . . discrimination. Every person playing any sport for any college will jump all over that and want the same.
Basically, I am back to this . . . . very important to use those scholarships more effectively, otherwise the golden goose might quit laying those eggs. Again it has come down to or close to this . . . win at all costs. UGA is not on probation, Southern Cal is . . . what about going a bit further than saying that "sometimes this happens".