averagedawg wrote:
Buc wrote: Greetings Chief growl . . . 
Below is a link to some of the young men that are being courted by UGA. Enjoy shipmate . . . 
Montravious Adams is one kid Saban wants more than anybody else.
Here's hoping Coach Grantham can keep him on board, Buc.
averagedawg, hope you are right about Coach Grantham being able to keep this young man.
Spent some time this afternoon thinking about some recent and past articles that I have read, and of course my feelings injected. Hope I don't pp too many folks off, it however would not be the first time. A bit off subject, but it is about those that you and I care about, the Montravious Adams and others that could become a part of us. Again long . . . . but
A few things come to my mind about this recruiting young men to any college campus and somehow it seems to me that the cart is now in front of the horse. Back in my day it was a mule and wagon.
Realize that times change, but just how far do we take that. This business of putting my friend in the same package with me or I will go elsewhere, or it improves your chances of getting me, sorry I don’t buy into that. Don’t really give a damn how good you are. Ten or fifteen years from now, the players will still be wanting to wear some schools colors, only way to enter the NFL, unless the NFL bends and allows those graduating from high school becoming eligible upon graduation. Do we think that can’t or won’t happen? Check the rule changes in the past 10, 15 or 20 years. Also, take a look at where some of these young men are because the rules have been altered or watered down to a level that does not allow them to move forward after football. All one has to do is check the number of jobs available in the NFL each year and compare that to the number of young men either graduating or taking that early leave.
I get excited when we have a young man with serious football talent and he also excels in school. Speaking of Keith Marshall. This young man has a future either way, football or academics. I applaud KM, and his family, that is what I would love to see many more of these young fellows focus their lives on . . . Being all that they can be. Guidance means so much in the time that all of us now live.
Any young man coming into the SEC or any other conference should get there through their efforts both on the field and through their work in the classroom. More and more this old man sees these young fellows with talent not only leading the universities around by their noses, same can be said of the print and electronic media. The media loves the backside of most stories, gives them the next days copy.
So often I hear this being said. I will single out the University of Georgia Football Operation. For the most part, Moms/families want or agree with their sons signing on with UGA, reason that I hear most . . . . They believe that their sons will be watched, guided and taken care of, and if the truth is known, probably taken care of better than they were at home. Not every instance, but many such cases. Don’t have to single out players on campus and many that departed several years ago, but all of us find out most of the “dirty stuff or close calls because the media is right there.” Will be front page with headlines written to grab attention. At present there is one supposed sports writer in the Atlanta area that lives on this type of back handed journalism, most of us know who he is. All one needs to do is read his work over a period of time. These are the writers that could give a hoot less whether or not the young fellow progresses in the classroom, they don’t keep up with that. Reason being . . . . You and I have been cornered into their way of thinking and they know what sells.
Go Dawgs, coach’em up, both on the field and in the classroom.