Yeah Mike...
I know Blank is visible on the sidelines because he wants to be a part of the team and
be seen as accessible, but he's not down there telling the coach how to coach or the
GM how to GM.
I loved what he said after the season... When asked if the Falcons had the right people
in position, he answered with:
"I think we have the right people in position because I think what they will do is challenge themselves to and ask all of the right questions. They would be the wrong people if they simply said "we tried hard, we just didn't execute, and we'll get better next year". I don't think that's an answer."
I love the fact he doesn't seem to be one to settle for that "we'll get 'em next year"
schtick. Seems to me he is going to demand hard questions be asked, and answered. I
think he's going to demand those answers very soon.
God Bless and Go Dawgs
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