ogredawg, going to be interesting to watch what happens when McGarity closes the deal on Richt. For sure Gundy is a players coach. Only problem that I can see with that hire is one Mike Adams. Adams is still a bottom feeder as far as I am concerned.
ogredawg, a lot of positive things are pointed in our direction, with the leadership like a Coach Grantham or Gundy, we would be having turf wars with Alabama. Beginning to look like Abuurn is out of the picture for some time to come. Too damn bad for Abuurn, they got away with a lot in my opinion.
Wonder where Chizik's stretch is now? That was ghetto if ever I have witnessed it.
Go Dawgs, some of you that came to UGA made the right decision. Those on the cusp, need to talk with #29. Incredible story about a young man that never gave up and came home to his roots.
Go Dawgs . . . . it is our time.