thriller wrote: Buc, sorry I didn't respond earlier . . . I've had limited time on the PC for a few days.
I'm sure it's absolutely WONDERFUL down there this year. GAY-tor nation has to be beside itself. 6-6 only a couple of years following a national championship. And they lost to us, after being up 17-3. Oh, if only I could be down there among the crying urnge. I would be rubbing it in and wearing my red and black everywhere - maybe even to church. I'd make sure they CHOKE on it!
While it's true that Florida will get better, there is no guarantee it will happen overnight. Especially with MissChimp for a HC. Having to bring in a new OC won't help.
I know you can't stand Urban Liar . . . trust me, I'm not a fan of his either. I've also LIVED smack in the middle of the Buckeye Nation for 2 seasons (back when we beat 'em in a bowl with Garrison Hearst at RB!). Only Tennessee and Florida fans compare in their level of obnoxious. I don't disagree with your disdain for a lying, low down, filthy dirt bag like him. I just tend to "let go" of individuals, since they tend to drift around and move on. (For example, while I "hate" Bill Battle and Johnny Majors, I TRULY hate Tennessee. They left, Tennessee never will.) He'll never coach UGA, nor will MusChump, so I'm happy. I just hate the University of Florida with a passion that can't be matched. Our rivalries with Tennessee and Abuurn are fun. I want Florida's athletic program dismantled. Someday UM will be gone. Unfortunately, UF probably never will.
But believe me Buc, I genuinely respect and agree with your opinion of the "family man" UM. 
thriller attended a gathering of folks on Saturday night. The family putting on the affair are big time Ohio State backers, yes the bucks too. Truly good friends of mine that are heavily involved in the insurance business.
Anyone that invites me to these social gatherings understands we can discuss football or not. At this gathering I knew that it would come down to Urban Meyer, Ohio State, Florida and the SEC. Long story short, the Ohio contingent agree with "each other" that Urban will deliver them a MNC in five years. Of course they were basing their opinions on what Urban accomplised at Florida.
One point that I made, and of course the Ohio force loved it was this. . .Urban is a good recruiter, watched him hit the ground running in Florida. His first day in Florida, he headed to my area, Merritt Island, Florida on a mission to get one of our local offensive linemen. He accomplished what he set out to do.
Said to the group, you will see some of the commits to Michigan and a couple other schools change their minds prior to February. I know that will happen. Of course don't know what the NCAA "won't do" but that is still out there. Ohio folks blamed those problems on the players, not the President, Athletic Director or the Head Football Coach.
Pointed out that I hope Urban continues to use the system he installed here (with the brain power being Mullen). SEC caught on and Urban recognized that fact and the record speaks for itself. This is where the Ohio group started to dislike me . . . . SEC caught on to Urban and he started to get sick, resigned, came back, got sicker and . . . . now is in Ohio and well again. Group started to get smaller at that point. Coaching is a huge circle. One can bet that the Big Whatever coaches will be talking to folks in the South about how to beat UM's offense.
thriller, know some of these gator players, or know about them, and they are no different than say, Charles or AM. Florida boys attending different schools. Some make bad choices and go to Gainesville, you know how hard headed young men can be. Does not make me hate them, just go different paths when football season arrives.
ESPN is all over UM and Ohio State, even now. It will be a lot worse around February. I have to believe that the NCAA and Ohio State already know what the penalty or penalties will be. Urban jumped too quickly for me not to believe that. ESPN is going to open the flood gates where Ohio State/Urban Meyer are concerned, won't hurt recruiting. . . .you think . . . Go Dawgs.