wlayton wrote: Now I see why AD5 left the forum for a while......btw, smartest and most logical poster on the entire forum.
Your opinion, wlayton. I think AD5 is extremely smart and a good poster, but in my opinion, not necessarily the smartest or most logical. I think you feel that way because you tend to agree with alot of what he posts. Others don't, and that's what makes for discussion. The problem being, you post that as if it was fact.
We have disagreed on many occasions, you and I, and it usually makes for good discussion, however, I have felt many times that you are dismissing my opinions because they don't jibe with yours. You've never openly stated that, but as you alluded to Buc earlier, I have caught the "subtle" implication.
You have posted on MANY occasions your thoughts about our sub par O-line, many times that you think AD5 is the most logical, many times that everyone should give Richt a chance over the season. Yet when folks talk about their displeasure with Richt, or our offense, whatever, you have responded on more than one occasion that we shouldn't post like that (kind of dismissive) because it's redundant and beating a dead horse. Hello, pot, my name's kettle, have we met???
And I also read posts of yours that everyone should remain positive about things. You say you do, and that's the reason for your success. and that's what works for you, but not everybody thinks that way.
And continued references to you and your island over the last few months only furthers the belief that you only want to associate with like minded individuals. Don't know if that's true or not, but that's the impression I get.
Not trying to pile on you, wlayton, just been following from the background for a few days, and offering up my take on a few questions you have posed. May not mean anything to you, maybe it does. Certainly not trying to offend anyone, just how I've seen things over a couple of months.