duck wrote: I have never hear of this kind of thing, the players staying over a former players or getting motel rooms. To me this just show the lack of responsibility CMR has on his players. It is no wonder we have so many players getting in trouble. During the season, it should be mandatory that your but is in your dorm room by 11 pm. They all should arrive and leave at the same time after each game. I know things have changed since I was there in 1969, but I have never heard of this kind of thing where you leave a game in another city and just show up the next day. I guess I am just old school and to old to understand the new way things are being done.
That's EXACTLY the way it should be done. This close to going to Atlanta for the SECCG?????? You put freakin leash's on these guys and make it extremely hard to go out and get into trouble.
Know matter how responsible you THINK these kids are.......
Their collective butts should be in the dorm, especially during a championship week.
If I'm the coach, I reduce all chances of problems by any means I can before a championship game........unbelievable.