Wartdawg wrote:
Urban Meyer is like Phil Jackson. Give him the best player in the league for a few years
and he'll graciously return to coaching. Let him sell the teams future out to get the
rings while he can, and then he'll return to the booth where he can pontificate about
his Zen status as a worshiped football guru. UM doesn't care about UF or OSU. He just cares
about UM. You'll never see him take over a down program and build it up, or stay with one
through a couple of lean years. Never.
Really like the Phil Jackson comparison. Once upon a time I was a huge basketball junky, played the game a bit. Probably not as well as kentdaddy, but played. . . . .
What Ohio State is going to get is a Georgia Tech system with talent. Too bad that Urban can't play half of his games in the SEC. He likes playing the odds, has done it his entire career. He will walk over most of the conference teams simply because they are not equal to the SEC. FACT.
Hard not to use the word HATE, will just say URBAN LIAR MYER. Foley you got a couple of trophies . . . can you duplicate that with MUSCHAMP . . . . might be time for you to leave Jeremy. Bull Gators don't like MUSCHAMP.
Don't mean to be too ugly folks, might be that some of you fight the gator/DAWG battle once a year, down here, it never ends.