As I've said in previous posts, I get my season tickets through my uncle, who's faculty at UGA. He just ordered them, AND I'M EXCITED!!!!
At the risk of sounding like a typical redneck so-fat-he-wears-shorts-in-winter beerswililng Bama fan, I'm ready for Saturdays in Fall! Gimme Stafford, gimme Oliver, gimme Richt, gimme Larry, gimme LorenWhatchaGot! Gimme Uga VI's last season, gimme Auburn 'tween the hedges, gimme new faces like Knowshon, gimme veterans like Velasco, gimme Sean Bailey's comeback. Gimme Gimme Gimme GO DAWGS!!!
Really? Am I really this excited? OH HELL YES!
Look, reply to this with your excitement. Let me know it's okay to be completely and ungodly childish about something that's over three months away. Let me know it's okay to start hating Oklahoma State, that it's okay to mock Tech fans I see, that it's okay to \"accidentally\" let my shopping cart roll against a car sporting \"GO UF!\" plates. Let me know that it's okay to break down the football season game by game with my 10-month-old daughter while I push her around our neighborhood in her stroller.
Luckily I have my Braves to dissipate some of this excitement...if we were having a year like we had last year, I don't know what I'd be doing. Probably painting a Hairy Dawg mural on my roof.
Have at it, Dawg Fans! In my house, May is Okay for COLLEGE FOOTBALL EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!
Red and Black, Win or Lose