I feel I should take a moment to honor this proud university with which we shall enter into battle this
Our rivalry dates back to a time without motor cars, when
football was more of an intramural sport, and mankind had yet to experience a world wide war. There were football clubs, not teams, and this game we love so much was not at the forefront of the nations psyche. Emerging from this time was a rivalry, between the nations oldest state university and a group of men from a poly institute of plainsmen from the nether regions of our western friend, Alabama.
Now never you mind that they eventually settled on the
nickname "Tigers", and somehow came up with a war cry of "War Eagle", but you really should look into it because
their justifications are quite comical. To make a long story short, they somehow equate "War Eagle" with
"Roll Tide" and "Snort 'em Wooie" or whatever the hell
it is those nuts from Ar-Kansas scream. They neglect however to recognize that Tide and a pig are actually
directly connected to the official team nicknames of
those respective universities.
But I digress..
Born of this time was the deep south's oldest rivalry between our beloved UGA and that place known as
Abuurn: A fine university boasting it's own proud history.
Mentioning UGA's gridiron history without mentioning Abuurn is like talking about Neil Armstrong without
mentioning the moon.
We should all recognize and honor that fine institution that does boast it's own proud pedigree and list of dignatary graduates.
I know I speak for all here when I respectfully say that I hate their guts, and I hope we stomp the ever loving
$£!+ out of their dirty, cheating, sorry @$$€$ this
Thank you for your time,
Sent via Iphone, so please excuse any and all vulgarity and totally inappropriate content. Blame
God Bless and Go Dawgs
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