TN Dawg, IC at this point needs more than a game suspension. I care more about our team than I do this very, very immature young pup. For those that say who are we going to have at running back . . . I say this . . . . not Isaiah Crowell.
Too much talk on this board about the things that IC can do. Tell anyone listening what he can't do . . . keep his butt out of trouble. IC is all about IC, could give a hoot less about UGA. Came here because he was promised to be the "star". Athletes like IC are the reason that the Boise State's and others do well with athletes that want to play football, they don't need the crap that these self indulging young men bring to the table.
Richt, shut him down for the rest of the 2011 season. You do that, I am leaning in your direction again. This is twice (that we know of) IC has shown his butt. Know what Erk would do. Come on Richt, one game suspension, wake up, this dude could care less about you or UGA.