Just heard that Crowell, Malcome, and Thomas are all suspended for the game this weekend for an unspecified violation of team rules. CMR said "anyone that resembles a RB will be competing for playing time this week"....
Can't even to begin to tell how F'n pissed I am right now. I'm just about speechless to be quite honest. I know one of these young men very and looks like I'll be making a trip to Athens before Saturday to light a little fire under someones ass. Damn it guys I can't even post anymore I'm so freakin pissed off at one of these guys right now. well all 3 really but 1 of them more then the others.
Mike Honcho wrote: Just heard that Crowell, Malcome, and Thomas are all suspended for the game this weekend for an unspecified violation of team rules. CMR said "anyone that resembles a RB will be competing for playing time this week"....